Crypto exchange AscendEX has the status of a leading trading platform in terms of return on investment in IEO. It supports trading of all popular coins, gives the opportunity to participate in promising token giveaways and engage in anonymous trading. The official website is used by over one million registered customers from all corners of the world. The availability of a standard and professional account benefits retail and institutional investors.
AscendEX, the rebranded BitMax exchange, opened in 2021. CEO George Cao shares the reins with two co-founders, Ariel Ling and Shane Molidor. The working team is made up of managers from major financial and crypto companies. The site is owned by Singapore-based firm BMXDM Technology Pte. Ltd.
The support for trading many digital coins has allowed 188 types of cryptocurrencies to be listed on the exchange. Of the 247 trading pairs, 50 are suitable for margin trading. ASD’s own token entitles holders to a higher VIP level, reduced trading fees, reduced interest rate for margin trading, and participation in an auction.
Futures contract promotions are available to any user, as long as certain tasks are completed:
Assumes the purchase and sale of coins in a single moment or within a short period of time. Equipped with two terminals – for beginners and pros.
Can make larger trades because registered clients are allowed to use borrowed funds up to 25x.
25 trading pairs can participate in perpetual contracts secured by BTC, ETH, USDT and other assets. Long and short positions are available, as well as the use of leverage up to 100x.
The available fiat currencies number in the dozens. Transactions are conducted by different operators.
A feature to earn passive income in cryptocurrency through betting. The deposited assets can be withdrawn, transferred or used for margin by means of a liquidity pool.
Based on the allocation of assets to one of the DeFi projects, which provides rewards in the form of incentives, commissions or interest.
Earns interest from cryptocurrency holdings. Products have a set time limit and appear from time to time.
New among exchange options based on subscribing to leading traders with imitation of their trades.
The cryptocurrency exchange is tamper-resistant: