Phemex is considered to be the fastest and most reliable cryptocurrency exchange, ranking among the top ten platforms in terms of perpetual contract trading volume. The company attracts customers with its easy registration, favourable exchange terms and the ability to work via a mobile app. The spot market offers 29 types of coins and 23 types of futures currencies. Among the most popular pairs according to traders: ETH/USDT, BTC/USDT, ADA/USDT, LTC/USDT and LINK/BTC.
The most popular ways to make money on the crypto exchange are instant trades and open-ended futures. In addition to that, available:
The company was launched in late 2019 by eight former executives from financial conglomerate Morgan Stanley. The team of traders and investors was led by the initiator of the project, chief developer Jack Tao.
The exchange’s official website contains information on special offers:
Provided with instant delivery of cryptocurrencies and their crediting to exchange wallets.
The purchase of futures provides the right to purchase the underlying asset in the future.
Exchange followed by storage of cryptocurrency in a wallet is suitable for passive investing or current settlements.
Depositing is possible in cryptocurrencies only, with no limit on the maximum amount. The current minimum amount is displayed in the “Terms and Conditions” section.
Transferring funds to external wallets is allowed after passing the two-factor authentication procedure through the application.
The high reliability of the service is confirmed:
Additional measures are in place to ensure the security of the accounts. Most financial transactions are performed if two-factor authentication procedure is enabled. If suspicious activity is detected, the account is blocked until the circumstances are clarified.